Remote DBA Services
Reliability. Experience.
Plans Bronze Silver Gold Platinum Fully Customizable Support Hours 8 AM – 6 PM 8AM – 6PM 24x7x365 24x7x365 24x7x365 Guaranteed Technical Response Time 15 minutes 15 minutes 15 minutes 15 minutes 15 minutes Continual Monitoring Yes Yes Yes Yes - Manual Daily Checks No Yes Yes Yes - Upgrades and Patching No No No Yes - Off Hours Maintenance No No No Yes - Production Databases Supported 1 1 2 3 3 Emergency After Hours Technical Support Credit 4 hours monthly 8 hours monthly 8 hours monthly Unlimited Unlimited Full Online Support Ticket System Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes - Atlanta's VLMSystems Remote database administration services put your company’s Oracle database environment in the hands of our dedicated, reliable, efficient, highly trained and certified database experts
The features of our DBA Services offering can be customized to suit your particular needs. We offer the following and more:
- A dedicated primary and secondary DBA assigned to work with you as a remote dba on an ongoing basis
- Daily check-in by an experienced remote DBA and recommendations for database care
- Proactive remote database administraion and maintenance with constant database monitoring and alert notification with
- Comprehensive monthly reviews and reports
- 24/7 remote dba availability with guaranteed response time
- Onsite and offsite flexibility
- Seasoned Oracle Certified Professsionals managing your Oracle systems, offering the highest level of Oracle database support
- Dedicated remote Database Administrators familiar with your system
- Included Oracle remote DBA consulting hours each month to be used for proactive maintenance, special projects, or any Oracle database related work
- Customized services for your special projects
- Backup and overflow support for your DBA team
- Full remote database administration and Oracle outsourcing from part-time DBA support to full-time support for special projects as they arise