VM Solutions
VLMS Services provides reliable, cost-effective and proven expertise for global organizations of all sizes

    Accelerate your virtualization implementation and minimize risk by taking advantage of VLMS services. Ensure a successful deployment of virtualization solution across your IT infrastructure. You'll achieve the highest levels of efficiency, manageability, and scalability for all your IT services.

    We will help you expand to new lines of business, and integrate your VM solution into your current processes and organizational structure. We will assess how to expand virtualization across the rest of your infrastructure with best practices


Use VM Templates to deliver rapid software deployment and eliminate installation and configuration costs by providing pre-installed and pre-configured software images


VMWare cloud computing approach that reduces IT complexity by leveraging the efficient pooling of on-demand, self-managed virtual infrastructure, consumed as a service


A platform for rapid adoption of virtualization for server consolidation, software development, and business continuity